Thyroid ultrasound, biopsy, bloodwork, imaging
Your doctor may request that you undergo repeat studies before your procedure date (e.g. thyroid ultrasound, biopsy, bloodwork, other imaging, etc.). The results must be received by our team two weeks before your procedure. If tests results are not received by our team in time, your procedure may need to be rescheduled.
Preauthorization, coverage process
We will get RFA preauthorization from your insurer. If you would like to be informed on whether your insurer will cover the procedure and the cost, you will need to independently conduct this process. It typically takes 2-3 weeks for you to complete the process. Our team can guide you on how to initiate this activity.
Blood thinners, prescriptions
Stop taking medications (e.g. aspirin, coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto) or herbal supplements (e.g. ginseng, turmeric fish oil, elderberry, etc.) that can thin your blood 5 days before the procedure if your doctor says that it is safe to do so. Please inform us if they have indicated that it is unsafe.
Your surgeon may prescribe you with:
Prednisone to take after the procedure to reduce inflammation/swelling in patients with particularly large nodules
Xanax to promote relaxation throughout the procedure.
If prescribed, obtain these medications from your pharmacy before the procedure date. You may want to purchase Ibuprofen/Motrin/Advil, Aleve or Extra Strength Tylenol.
Food and drink, escort, clothing, medication
You may take your regular medications (except those listed above) and eat/drink until the appointment.
A family member/friend should escort you home after the procedure.
Arrive 15 minutes before the appointment.
You may wear undergarments/clothes that permit access to your neck, upper chest and thighs. During the procedure, you will be wearing a medical gown.
After checking in, take 400 mg of Motrin/Advil or 440 mg Aleve or 1000 mg Tylenol, and Xanax (if prescribed).